MEDIA PLAYER 2.0 Media Player 2.0 is a little ShareWare utility to allow you to look at and scale PICT files and to view PICS and STEP animations. Media Player 2.0 also allows you to design and record your own PICS animations. NOTE: Throughout your use of Media Player 2.0, you will see a menu with the size, in bytes or kilobytes, of your animation design. I can find no better place to mention it than here, so here goes: when first downloaded, this value should be at zero; also, when you delete a design, it should be at zero. This menu includes one item, whose name changes. If the size in bytes are given in the menu name, the item will be Display kilobytes. If the size is already displayed in kilobytes, the item will read Display bytes. If you are working with rather large animations (on disk space, that is), you may want to keep track of the size of your design in kilobytes. Otherwise, it's just kind of fun to see how much hard disk memory it takes to draw a rectangle, etc.